Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Wow, what a difference a year has made its almost been a year ago that we went for the first time to the fertility doctor to find out why we haven't had success and a year later we are making plans on when our medical procedures will be done to assist in getting us pregnant.  This has probably been one of the most draining years of my life and my faith has definitely been tested but has it been worth it?  I would say yes I have learned in an amazing way that my life is in the Lord's hands and that he has the most perfect plan for our family to grow and we are being used as a tool to spread his name and praise in the end when we are able to present to him a child or children and call it a miracle by the Lord.  Can I say I am not scared? Well of course I am, but I have an amazing amount of trust that this is the way the Lord ordained us to have children and he will allow it to happen one way or another.  I firmly believe that things do not happen by chance but that they are a part of a bigger plan ordained by the Lord.  Also I learned that life does not happen the way we think it should and just hold true to your faith the Lord knows your heart in everything and a better day is coming even though it seems very dark and lonely at that low time in your life.  This can be applied to all things and not just in fertility issues.

On a side note I do have to say that I was blessed this past mother’s day as difficult as it could have been I know I had a ton of friends and family praying for me and I received the sweetest texts from various friends telling me that and you don’t know how much that meant to me.  I am truly blessed and thankful all at the same time.  The Lord used my friends as a reminder this year of his love and that he hasn't forgotten me.  One day when I have my children I don't want to forget any of this and remember these feelings and struggles and help others, otherwise why are we still here on this earth other than to help in leading people to the ultimate healer, Christ?  I encourage everyone reading this to reflect on their own life and realize that there are lots of hurting people whether it be physically, spiritually, mentally, and see how you can be a blessing in their life because of what you may have been thru could be a testimony to them. 

God Bless,

2 Corinthians 2:14-But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mother's Day

Ok raw emotion coming thru.  The dreaded day of Mother’s Day is quickly approaching and my heart is once again sad.  When I planned my life many years ago I saw myself married and that this point done having children not still waiting to have them and knowing that  you can’t get pregnant naturally, but only thru a medical procedure.  My heart’s desire is to be pregnant by this time next year and that is what I feel will happen thru the Lord’s help, but what if we are still in a holding pattern at that point trying to figure out the next step?  I know the Lord has helped me thus far with this process and he will continue to lift me until his most perfect plan is revealed but how long is that?  My ladies in my support group, which mean the world to me by the way, we were talking last night about how much easier it would be if the Lord just showed us the end result reassuring us that a child is in our future, but that is not how the Lord works.  He has this thing call trust him with your hopes and dreams and he knows the desires of your heart.  Daily the devil tries to make me doubt in the Lord’s abilities and likes to make me doubt his mercy for me, but I keep turning this over to the Lord asking for his help.  I am not going to give up because I truly feel in my soul that the Lord is about to bless us with children.  I can’t explain the peace he gives me but I know it will come.  My heart and soul are not giving up!

As a reminder to you mother’s out there love on your children no matter how bad or good they have been and know there are people like me who would love to be a mother and be blessed like you have been.  Children are a gift from the Lord. 

I hope you all have a Happy Mother’s Day and love on your Mother’s on the 13th.
God Bless~Stephanie

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Love

I want to dedicate this day to my sweet husband, Terrance.  We had our first date 8 years ago the first of April and everyday that I am with him I love him more and more.  He is a hard worker, passionate, loves to help others, always wants to do what’s fair, great malti-poo daddy, wonderful husband, and a man that wants to follow Christ.  The Lord has been molding him in to the man that he has planned him to be and I can’t wait to see how he will be as a Father.  Last Sunday at church our preacher taught on the marriage and followed it with renewing our vows and of course we did.  Forever is what you get with us and I look forward to growing old with him.  I love you Terrance.