Thursday, July 24, 2014

Faith of a Mustard Seed

Faith as a Christian is so easy to have when everything seems to be working out just the way we think we have planned out our life to be but the true test is when you are not in control and all your have is the Lord.  I am in that boat right now and let me just tell you sometimes it gets hard to breathe.  Throughout my life there have been trials with losing my dad at a young age to my mom working hard at being a single mom to all the other things in the middle but God never forsake me and my family and we came out on the other side.  How come now I start to fret, stress, and question how is my life plan going to work out the way I want it to? 

Life is hard!  Living in an imperfect Earth is hard!  Not knowing how you are going to become a Mom is even tougher.  I know men don’t understand this but as a young child you learn how to be a mother.  It has been so evident in seeing my sweet niece Ella mothering her brother Ethan that the Lord gives us a maternal extinct that no one can take away.  The Lord has given me this desire and as the years go by it gets stronger and stronger and after so many failed attempts at IUI’s, IVF, and embryo adoption it has come to look me straight in the eye that I am not in control and if I am going to become a mom only the Lord can do that. 

After lots of soul searching and prayer this year we have been to an adoption information meeting as well as decided to get a second opinion with another fertility doctor in our area.  I went in that meeting with the doctor with no hope because I felt that we had done everything under the sun and he will probably confirm that what we thought was we are done but he gave us a glimmer of hope.  We are following thru with a laparoscopy procedure on August 1st and doing 3 rounds of IUI’s and at that point if a pregnancy doesn’t happen we will start the adoption process.  Emotionally I didn’t know if I was up for the possible disappointment but that is where the faith of a mustard seed comes in.  I want you all to help us in praying that this is the answer and that the Lord will bless us with a family that we so much desire to have.  All I know is when we have our children, and yes I did say children.  I know that will be the end result one day, I am not sure how but I have faith he will provide. I hope they see how having faith in the Lord is all you need not man nor doctors.  God is good and no matter what I believe his plan is greater than mine. 

Thank you all so much for your love and especially your prayers.


He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.


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